Sunday 29 March 2015

early bday present - inglot

So I recently got really interested in fashion, makeup, clothes, accessories and lots more. I guess it's only a matter of time for us girls to be into it. heh. So, in this blog, I'll be writing about my fashion interest and stuff.

As my birthday is coming up, my aunt decided to bring me out for a birthday outing / shopping spree! So, we went on to MidValley Shopping Centre and I was initially looking for a handbag, since my previous one has spoiled, but we went to a couple shops and when I said a couple, I meant, about 10 shops which includes Charles & Keith, Forever 21, Nichii, Vinci and MANGO.

Well, we walked for an hour or so and then decided to stop by cosmetics stores. We ended up in Inglot, as it caught my eye in a fashion blog I read last year. I actually didn't know that they already have had several outlets in Malaysia, but oh wells.

We then started looking at the wide variety of blushers, lip colours, eye shadows and more. The salesgirl then told me that I could choose a few combination of blushers, lip colours, eye shadows and combine them into one single palette as it was magnetic.

DUDE, I was so amazed, I started picking out a few colours of eye shadows. My aunt? She picked out 5 eye shadow colours in 15 minutes because she was as excited as I was!

So, I ended up getting 1 blusher, 2 eye shadows and a lip colour. 

I haven't really tested out the products yet, but stay tuned for more of these kind of random fashion posts of mine, and oh ya, also, stay tuned for the review of my inglot palette :)